Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I have a new page now. Read : FAQ

You're shocked. You're amazed. You're awed. You're disgusted. You're regijwrgiuwhrbgipjgweog.

There have been changes, there are updates. I'm awesome because I planned all of this and updated my blog just in time for the new year. Well, at least it's new year in India right now.

First things first.

I've been waa-itin' a lalalala long long time. It's new yearz, babez! New year and a good time HEY!

I don't know why, but my blog just neeeds that song right now. Yes, it is a "new year", and it's allegedly "new", but I don't feel renewed or awesome or anything right now. Just slightly exhilarated. Last year, I partied. This year, I sat home and watched TV while chowing on a chocolate mini-cake. Things have lazed down, you could say. Perhaps the fast-paced-ness of 2012 slowed me down in 2013. Perhaps I hadn't anticipated this moment, because the world was supposed to end. Perhaps the year in which I'd turn 17 doesn't really deserve a warm welcome. Perhaps I turn more and more rational day by day. Hard to find motives, but this time, I just didn't do anything special. But that's okay.

You may, or may not have noticed that my blog has undergone a change.

It used to look like this-

And noww-

The font. The color. The background color. The background image. And lookie there! Is this possible?! Could this be real?

 That's right. I have a new page. Checkitout!

So I followed the footsteps of the world's awesomest bloggers and came up with a FAQ page of my own! It  comprises of questions and doubts that are totally askable and common and I sure hope that any questions/comments/concerns/doubts that you may or may not have about my blog will be cleared with the reading of that single awesome page of mine. I'm beaming like a proud parent now, aren't I? 

And let me just say one more thing. I have changed the whole look of my blog, and it is possible that your browser may occasionally be a bore and not allow to show my blog in its original font. In that case, you should hit refresh to see the actual font, or just revel in the awesomeness of the (vapid) comic sans font. 

And once again, wherever you live, whatever time it may be, I assume the new year has begun for you. Personally, I feel that even if the year may be new, I'm still as old and same as ever. Haha. But seriously, loads of cool things have happened this year. I met so many new people who have deeply impacted my life, I started this awesome blog of mine, and well, I did manage to change a bit, because well, a little change is inevitable. I did lose myself in nostalgia during that change, however managed to surface again. So yeah, that's the personal perspective, in case you were wondering. I'm gonna go sleep now. Sotired.

Is the music still playing? I've been waitin' a lalalala long a lalalala long long long, time! ha, feisty now; 


Ghadeer said...

Ha-ha, it is incredibly annoying how Comic Sans Ms is the default font for load fails.

Don't feel bad about not partying- New Years are overrated!

songbird said...

I knoow, I hate it when the web fonts don't load. So glad to have someone who understands :/

Haha, I guess I feel better now! Thanks for the comment, and Happy New Year to youu :D

Anonymous said...

Love the new look! Your blog is amazing. :-)

songbird said...

Aww, thank youu! Glad the new look wasn't a complete fail :)

ʞɐ said...

First of all, that's a lot of questions in the FAQ. You mentioned about almost everything in that page. May be, I should also write one. :)

The new look is cool, or should I say Awesome. :D

Anyways, Happy New Year.
Have Fun and Take Care. :)

And lastly, the labels are totally contradictory. The post isn't nonsense, its nice and the vocabulary is also good, far better than mine and it is You being Awesome there. #JustMyOpinion

songbird said...

Hahaha, I'm so glad you like the FAQ and the new look. You're being too modest with the labels, but thankyousomuch! :') Happy happy new year!

ʞɐ said...

Sorry about that. But I was telling the truth. You can ask anyone else reading your blog.